Thursday, January 8, 2015

5 Things to Do Inside During A Winter Storm

Winter and freezing wind chills have settled in the Midwest.  Days like today make me grateful to have the option of working from home.  Before you grab the remote, here are some great ideas to pass the time away.

1)  Organization
You know that drawer in the kitchen that won't close or the linen closet that's a mess? It's a great time to attack these projects.

2)  Safety Check
Another overlooked item is your medicine cabinet. When was the last time you checked the expiration dates?  Evaluated your supply of bandages, cold or flu medicines etc? 
3)  Paperwork
Everyone has some type of filing system for bills, medical records, household information and receipts.  When was the last time you cleaned out your files?  Do you really need to keep that 10 year old cable bill?  Organizing your papers help save you time and money.
4)  Recipes and Menus
A few years back, I typed up all my recipes, printed and laminated them on 4 x 6 cards.  If you type them in Microsoft Word, you can also save them as a pdf. file.  I then saved all my recipes to a cloud base file system such as Dropbox.  Why? Easy menu planning and shopping. Now if I am at the store and they have a great sale or I have an urge to make Sweet & Sour Chicken, I can pull up the recipe on my phone and easily check the required ingredients.
 5)  Dream and Plan
So often in our busy life, we fail to take time to dream, plan and grow.  Grab a blank notebook, a cup of tea and settle in to a comfy chair.  Ask yourself lots of questions. What do you like about your life? What would you change? Where do you image living in 5 years? If you could do one thing this year - what would it be?  What places do you want to visit? What new things would you like to try?  Who inspires you?

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Enjoy the season, grab another cup of coffee and get started.

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